Exhaust Gas Boiler
February 3, 2024
Circular Knitting Machine - WellKnit
Circular Knitting Machine
February 3, 2024

Detailed Specifications

HKD cooling towers offer a big convenience to end users: maintenance is easy and safe.
With crossflow configuatration, the cooling towers have an open plenum chamber and
large access doors, providing easy access to all of the internal parts when repair or
maintenance is required.

HKD Crossflow Modular Type Cooling Tower

The large access door and walkway in the plenum chamber provide easy access to the internal parts of the cooling tower, making visual  inspection and maintenance easy and safe. 

Hanging type fills do not tend to trap and collect dirt.

Each of the fill sheets is formed with specially designed hooks, effectively limiting drift loss to very low percentage and eliminating the demand of separate drift eliminator.

Crossflow type cooling towers  distribute hot water to the fills by gravity through metering orifices in
the distribution pan, so pumping head requirement is lower. Lower pumping head requires smaller water pumps.

Crossflow type cooling towers accept larger variation in water flow without adverse effect on the water distribution pattern, offering great
convenience to operation when system loading reduces at night or in cold winter.

Utilizing hot-dip galvanized steel frame for added strength and fiberglass panels for corrosion
resistance, HKD cooling towers promise system owners a long service life.

The cold water basin was intentionally designed in slop shape. Dirt and sediments can easily be washed to and
collected in the water sump, so sweeping system is not necessary.

The ingeniously designed air intake louvers ensure an even air pattern entry into the cooling towers, contributing to high cooling efficiency and effectively eliminating water splashing.

KingSun Cooling Tower 3 KingSun Cooling Tower 2 KingSun Cooling Tower 1